
Set in Bedlam Heights - an apartment building converted from a pre-Victorian lunatic asylum - the inhabitants in this sexy, contemporary paranormal program experience the darker side of the building's history when former asylum spirits come back to claim what they believe to be theirs and seek revenge on those who have wronged them. The terrifying hauntings that follow reveal that sometimes when you scratch away the surface, things aren't always what they seem.

Network: Sky Witness
Country: United Kingdom
Release date: 2011-02-07
Genres: Drama Horror
IMDb Rating: 7.0
Akas: Tébolyda,
Hugo Speer
Warren Bettany
Charlotte Salt
Kate Bettany
Ashley Madekwe
Molly Lucas
Theo James
Jed Harper
Will Young
Ryan McAllister
Lacey Turner
Jack Roth
Nikesh Patel
Gemma Chan