
Happy! follows Nick Sax – an intoxicated, corrupt cop-turned-hit man — who is adrift in a world of casual murder, soulless sex and betrayal. After a hit gone wrong, his inebriated life is forever changed by a tiny, relentlessly positive, imaginary blue winged horse.

Network: Syfy
Country: United States
Release date: 2017-12-06
Official Sites: syfy.com
IMDb Rating: 7.8
Akas: Хэппи, Vidám,
Christopher Meloni
Nick Sax
Lili Mirojnick
Det. Meredith "Merry" McCarthy
Patton Oswalt
Happy the Horse
Bryce Lorenzo
Hailey Hansen
Ritchie Coster
Mr. Blue
Medina Senghore
Amanda Hansen
Patrick Fischler
Christopher Fitzgerald
Sonny Shine