The Boondocks

In The Boondocks, Robert "Granddad" Freeman is the cantankerous legal guardian of his rambunctious grandkids Huey and Riley and has moved them from the south side of Chicago to the quiet and safety of "The Boondocks" (in this case, suburban Woodcrest), hoping that he can ignore them altogether and enjoy the golden years of his life in peace. But Huey, a 10-year-old left wing revolutionary, is determined not to enjoy the affluence of suburbia. This attitude is seconded by his 8-year-old brother, Riley, a proud product of contemporary rap culture. Although they torture each other and provoke the neighborhood, they are no match for Granddad, who is eccentric even by "crazy-ass-old-black-man" standards.

Network: Adult Swim
Country: United States
Release date: 2005-11-06
Official Sites:
Genres: Comedy
IMDb Rating: 7.6
Akas: Гетто, A kertvárosi gettó,
Regina King
Huey Freeman
Regina King
Riley Freeman
John Witherspoon
Robert Jebediah "Granddad" Freeman
Gary Anthony Williams
Uncle Ruckus
Cedric Yarbrough
Tom Dubois
Gabby Soleil
Jazmine Dubois
Jill Talley
Sarah Dubois